I used to enjoy writing about books. This is why I do have bookish blogs in the first place. However the last few years with all the categorization and stuff, my enjoyment went out of the window. Book haul, wrap up, review, top 5… – all of those things put a bracket on the general content a blog must have and made them the common things to do. And I realize now that this is what made me stop writing that much – always be in a schedule, always trying to be like others, so you can be in the community. But this is enough, I’m tired of trying to follow the norm, so I am going to just be.
No matter if in English or in Bulgarian, I am going back to what I think it’s blogging. Just pure sharing! That a book by a favorite author is coming up, the new book I just read, what I purchased – all of this in one place. We can’t be all just like the others. Let’s enjoy writing again.
My short monologue ends here. But I’ll keep writing and this time it will be consistent, without the brackets. I won’t stop myself anymore.