April Wrap up

And so, April is gone and I’m here to write what I was able to read this month. It was a long month, in which I had a certain goal to read “The Infernal Devices” trilogy. Also I managed to read some other books, which I had a deadline for (must return them to the library). Anyhow, here comes my list for April.


clockwork angel and princeClockwork Angel

After I bought “Lady Midnight” something was telling me that I have to read “The Infernal Devices” first, so I got it digital and started reading. It was an  awesome first book and the first book that made me read so fast on a tablet.

Clockwork Prince

The second book from the trilogy. It was awesome as well and I really fell in love with Jem. That’s all I can manage to write now, but you can read more in my review of the book.

On The Bridge

This is a short story about Will and Jem, the night when everything started. It’s placed right before the story begins in Clockwork Angel. It was interesting.

branded and every day


This is the first book from the series “Fall of Angels”, and as I wrote in my review very difficult book, which I read too slowly. Anyhow, I’m glad that I was able to finish it, but I’m not really sure if I’m going to follow the series and to read the other books.

Every Day

It’s the first book from David Levithan that I read. I was tempted by the overview, so I took it from the library. It took me 6 days to read it and I’m still not sure why I did it. it was strange for me. I’ll probably write a review about it some days later.

the one and cinder The One

The third book from “The Selection” series. I abviously didn’t gave up on the series. I took the book from the library as well as the previous books. Read my review about it to know more about what I think.


I was reading about this book so much, so when I saw it on the shelf in the library, I grabbed it and decided to give it a chance. And I wasn’t disappointed – it was awesome. Will write more about it soon.


All in all, 6 books and a short story. It’s a good count, considering the fact that I’m always at work. Not sure how many books I’ll manage to  read in May, but one is for sure – “Lady Midnight” by Cassandra Clare will be on the list.

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