The Goblins of Bellwater

Molly Ringle – The Goblins of Bellwater

The Goblins of Bellwater

Author: Molly Ringle
Date read: 9 July 2017
Times read:1

Book page

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Really different take on goblins, it must be read…

As recently I fell in love with “Wintersong” by S. Jae-Jones, I decided to read more books, which feature goblins and are inspired by them. Luckily, I’ve been approved to receive an ARC and I was so happy, I started it almost immediately.

So, in the synopsis it is said, that this book is inspired by the poem “Goblin Market” by by Christina Rossetti, which I never read and I had no expectation when I started reading the book, which I always prefer to be the way I read books. I don’t like to compare. Anyway, let’s continue with the book. I have so much to say.

The Goblins of BellwaterAs I started the review, this book have a different take on goblins. In here, they are evil creatures, which lure innocent people in their realm in order to kill them or make them likewise. And, as they’re ever, they bind a certain family with a magic spell, so one of them is their liaison. And here comes Kit, which is our first protagonist. Our next protagonists are Skye, Livvy and Grady and the story may begin.

So, in order to not spoil anything important to you, I’m going to write why I liked the book and what I disliked. First of all, I liked the whole idea – it’s interesting and these days goblins are not usually chosen to be main magical creature in books. Second, trivial, I love the cover – it’s absolutely awesome and now when I finished the book, I can say that it’s very accurate one. Good job to whoever done it.

Next, I really loved that the author use the nature. I like all the explanations and that it had huge impact on the story. There is so much things randomly mentioned in the beginning and turned to be so important.

Also, the relationship between the two sisters and the two cousins. It was awesome and it was written very well. I usually seek good sibling relationships and this one feature lots of it. And mostly because of it, I don’t have a single favorite character – I just love them all.

Src: MattKatz on dA

What I also liked is that in both pairings the woman is older than the man. Of course, not much, just 2 years or so, but I think it not usually happens in books.

The things that I don’t like in the books are very few.

The length – this book is just too short. I think I needed more. It would’ve been very awesome if we have long explanations about the goblin tribe and especially about Redring. We’ve had a short explanation, but more chapters about why she became that evil, especially with humans, would add lot more to the story, or at least in my opinion. I would also like to know more about Flowerwatch – yes, we know how she became goblin, but I want to know more about the years she spent with the tribe. But anyways, I’m glad with how her future will be.

And most of all, insta love. Usually, I don’t have anything against it, but here I wasn’t able to feel it. Especially during the ending.

Anyways, I really enjoyed the book. It made me stay during the night and read, because I wasn’t able to put it down. I really will enjoy if the author write a short novella about the Goblin tribe and their history – it really will be awesome.

In fact, I absolutely recommend the book to everyone. I’ll just add a little warning about some sexual content, but it’s not that much, so just have it in mind. The book will be released in 1st October, so definitely check the date on your calendars.

Rating: 4/5 stars


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