An Ember in the Ashes
Author: Sabaa Tahir
Date read: 7 December 2015
Times read: 1
Rating: 5/5 stars
It’s been a while since I had finished this book, but I can still recall all the feelings from it.
I’m going to begin with why actually I decided to read it. It’s simply very interesting. When I read the synopsis I thought that this is going to be just another dystopian book. But I was wrong and I’m glad that I gave it a chance when I saw it at the city library.
I’ve never heard of Sabaa Tahir before. She’s an absolute newcomer for me and I can say that with this book she totally caught my attention and I’m going to follow her works.
The story line we follow in “An Ember in the Ashes” is something that I didn’t expected in these days full of stories about vampires, werewolves etc. It’s something fresh and it’s really old at the same time. It brought me back to the time when I was a little girl and read tons of books about “such kind of spirits” – Alladin… xD
But I can say, Laia and Elias caught me under pressure in whole of the time. I read it mostly at evenings when I was after work and it I did regret every time I have to leave it – even to sleep. Elias is my favorite character – not that he’s the main character, but because of his nature and the way he has developed through the story. He was fighting against the evil and his own destiny. I somehow knew it that he’s going to fall for Laia, there wasn’t any hesitation in it, but I was a bit disappointed from her response. He saved her so many times, she had to understand earlier that he’s not like the other “Masks”.
Of course, the book had to be with an open end and now I’m waiting for the second book from the series to be released. I hope the Bulgarian edition will not come too late after the official release.
All in all, it’s an interesting book and I recommend it to wide range of readers.