The Book Courtship Book Tag

The Book Courtship Book Tag

Okay, this is the first post in here, in which there isn’t an exact book or an author that I write about. But yesterday was the first time that somebody tagged the blog and I thought why not doing it, so here I am.

It’s “The Book Courtship Book Tag” and I was tagged by Travelling In My Bookcase Blog. The Book Courtship Tag which was originally created by LovelyLikeLaura.

Phase 1 – Initial Attraction: A book that you bought because of the cover?

Fallen Too FarThis is definitely “Fallen Too Far” by Abbi Glines. I just fell in love when I saw the cover. And since I know that Abbi Glines is a good writer I just bought the book. Instantly. Check the Bulgarian cover that actually got me in here.

Phase 2 – First Impressions: A book that you got because of the summary?

A Discovery of WitchesI first saw the book in the local library, and when I read what’s it all about I just decided that it’s my book. And the big love has just began.

Phase 3 – Sweet Talk: A book with great writing?

The Lord of the RingsAll 3 books are amazingly writen in Tolkien’s style. I love this man and the world he had created. I’ve been lost there so many times.

Phase 4 – First Date: A first book of a series which made you want to pick up the rest of the series?

TwilightI’ve seen and heard so many people to talk bad about this book series, but I don’t really care. I just like it. The book wasn’t released in Bulgaria, so my first meeting with it was a fan translation, but a really good one. Being honest I read all the books online. After that Egmont Bulgaria bought the rights and now I have them all in my house.

Phase 5 – Late Night Phone Calls: A book that kept you up all night?

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceOne of my cousins has bought the book before me and I was so envious. I asked him to give it to me, so I can read it and he was good and gave it the same day. I started to read at 7pm and I finished at 5am. I didn’t even bother myself to sleep. It was good that I was in a summer holidays.

Phase 6 – Always on my mind: A book you could not stop thinking about?

This is it. This is a special book and beginning of a special series.

Phase 7 – Getting Physical: A book which you love the way it feels?

Fortune is a WomanThis is a book, that I just love. It’s writing, the way it makes me feel, the passion and the message it leaves! Deserves reading!

Phase 8 – Meeting the parents: A book which you would recommend to your family and friends?

“Shogun” by James Clavell is the book, that I can highly recommend. True and interesting, it is such kind of book, which can make you think about lots of things.

Phase 9 – Thinking about the future: A book or series you know you will re read many times in the future?

“Vampire Academy” series, 100%. It may not be many people’s favorite, but I read this book in a very hard moment of my life and it kept me safe, not thinking about bad things, but only about the plot and what is going to happen next. Definitely will re read the whole series many times.

Phase 10 – Share the love: Who do you tag?

One Lazy Robot Blog
The Hungry Monster Book Review
The Bibliothèque
susanne valenti


I hope this new section will go well. Thanks again to Travelling In My Bookcase Blog for the tag. I hope you’ll enjoy here! ^^

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