Top 3 Favorite Authors of All Time

I must say that this is a very difficult desicion to choose 3 authors only. And as I recently read a specific series and all other things, there’s a bonus authours in the end. So let’s begin…


John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

tolkienThis awesome writer really beats them all. I remember when I found “The Fellowship of the Ring” for the first in my mother’s library and decided to give it a try. I think I was 12 years old and the picture of Barad-dur and everything in the book cover looked awesome. I must say that I’m honoured to own a hardback copie, released back in 1990 – the year of my birth, so we’re in a same age. My love for everyone in the Middle Earth grew by the time and later on I was finishing book after book and was memorizing names, places and all main characters in the books – not only “Lord of the Rings”, but every one book else. I was living in a different world, surrounded by hobbits, elves, dwarfs and people and this was so amazing time of my life that I cannot say that John R.R. Tolkien pretty much tops the list of my favorite authors. Even now and then, I can reread all the books. One can’t just simply miss the opportunity to read them all!


Haruki Murakami

murakami Murakami Haruki (as it must be correctly written in Japanese manner) became one of my favorite authors when I was already in the university. Sometime in my freshman year I developed a strong love to everything coming from Japan and every person was interesting for me. I remember that I read good reviews about him and his books, but I never attemped to read one. The magic happened when I heard that a movie, based on “Norwegian Wood” will be out (with a favorite actor of mine), so I decided that I must read the book before I see the movie. Now I’m glad that I did it that way, because if the movie was the first touch with Murakami’s world, I woild never read anything by him. Now I can say that I read some 65% of his literature and I’m longing for his other books as well. But I must also tell you that his books requires a special mood, so be careful.


Richelle Mead

richelle-meadThis woman is amazing. Same as Tolkien did it when I was a child, she created a brand new world for me when I was in need. My first meeting with Rose and Dmitri, Lissa and Christian from Vampire Academy series was back in 2013 when I was living in London, UK. Long story short, the reallity was so painful that I had to choose something to dive in. And this was the books from Vampire Academy. I survided day by day because of this 6 books and the ability to sink in the story of Moroi and Strigoi. Last year I decided to buy paperback copies of the books, so I can start reading every book whenever I want. Later on I found and bought all other 6 books from the spin-off series “Bloodlines” and now I’m happy owner of all the 12 books and this magnificent world, created by Richelle Mead. Yes, I can simply say that this woman saved my life and brain. I owe her a lot.


Bonus authors

Writing about favorite authors I cannot just miss the opportunity to write about J.K. Rowling. I’m an absolute fan of all the books about Harry Potter and I probably read all the books for more than 10 times.

And finally, but not really final – Cassandra Clare. I was a big fan of “The Mortal Instruments” series, but as I recenty finished “The Infernal Devices” series I’m more than in love with this magestic world, created by Cassandra Clare.


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